Ncswic Military - In the aftermath of 9/11, in a rare outburst of honesty, George W. Bush said America was on a Crusade across the world. You might say against "protestants" and other heretics to the American way of life.
And who are our crusaders? Who is being sent virtually everywhere (remember those 150 countries in three years?) on various "missions"? The new head of SOCOM, General Joseph Votel III, West Point grad and Army Ranger, put it plainly back in August that America is witnessing "a golden age for special operations."
Ncswic Military
What a telling phrase. And indeed it's getting increasingly difficult to recall "golden ages" in America's past that weren't linked to the military. I've noticed less people wearing face diapers in CA. Now I see that Our Gov.
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is mandating the poison and hinting of the face diaper coming back. That's BS, my Doctors have told me more than once that I'm NOT to have any vaccine at all ever due to my medications (2) that I must be on to save my life and put me into remission.
So do I give the state of CA a Doctors note?? Relief cannot come soon enough. I feel like I'm the only person in my State that sees through their Shit. I'm almost always the only person not wearing a Face Diaper in public.
Makes me Sick. The Ignorance of humanity. COMMENT POLICY: Brevity and civility; clarity and accuracy; passion and largeness of spirit: please aim for these. This site is against pet peeves, score-settling, strokes, and other bad behavior that impedes true debate and sound learning.
As soon as we start winning in the US, people around the world will start winning. The demoralized masses will wake up and start fighting if they see a real path to victory. It is up to us in the United States to light this off, but the chain reaction will be global. Open your Senses to the part that most people are trained to shut off.
Your 6th sense of the world is a powerful one and you should listen to it. You can fell that unease in the world right now. It is a strange sort of tension… like everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is coming soon.
As the catechism of entry into Special Forces goes: Special Forces is the formal title of a US Army organization (USASF) formed to conduct Covert and Clandestine unconventional Warfare operations; training and coaching, advising and assisting.
A green Beret is the Distinctive headgear worn by those assigned to US Army Special Forces units. It is also now captured in a qualification tab worn on the top-most portion of the left sleeve of SF-qualified Army soldiers.
Let's stop using the terms special operations forces and special forces as if they are interchangeable; it only adds to the morass of confusion about the different elements of the special operations community now organized into the inter-service SOCOM structure.
World governments have gone full steam on Endless money printing and Endless debt. Nobody thinks this is going to go on forever... nobody smart that is. It seems to many that the world is about to enter a much Darker period. I must say, I don't believe that we are headed for destruction.
I don't think these efforts to take more control of society are going to be successful. All of this demoralization and negative energy that people have is about to be inverted. This negative energy is going to turn positive, and people are going to start pushing hard for change. Look at these protests:
So, how does the 16th century shed light on the 21st? America's Vatican is obviously the Pentagon. Its primary methods are Wars and weapons sales and military training. Its Loyola was until recently Admiral William McRaven, head of SOCOM.
And its Jesuit priests are America's Special Ops troops, true believers who are committed to defending the faith of America. What are we to make of U.S. Special Forces being involved, in one way or another, in the affairs of 150 countries in the world over the last three years?
And, as Turse points out, just 66 days into Fiscal Year 2015, the U.S. Special Forces have already made their presence known in 105 countries, a presence that never seems to wane. Believe it or not, I passed a man driving ALONE in his CONVERTIBLE with the TOP DOWN & a MASK on!!π³
I PRAY for those people every day, that they can free their Minds of the FOG & WAKE -UP to the TRUTH!!ππΊπΊπΈ Most people are demoralized at this point. I can't say I blame them. Human civilization currently feels like it is being run by an Evil HR Karen.
The news is non-stop full steam propaganda. The covid controls are tightening all over the world (notable exception is the US). We Got UR 6 is excited to release “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming (NCSWIC)”, honoring all great Patriots who continue to fight for our country and the return of power to We The People, as our Forefathers intended.
One nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. I know how you feel I see people Everyday still wearing the face covering while driving alone in the cars and outside with no one else around them.
People saying a new strain is coming so I won't be going out of my house. The Spanish community here in the Rio Grande Valley are scared to death and have not taken the face covering off at all.
They are helping the local govt. to enslave the rest of us. It's making me crazy. Others say they can't see anything happening so it's false and won't listen, these are older people who should know better.
I believe in my core that they were trying to kill us all. Things are not going as planned so they manufactured this bs Delta Variant to force vaccines. Gates; Fauci; Soros; and the rest of the Global Elites are the Devil's hands.
They are going to try and take away every privilege for mankind (Globally) to force this poison on us. I pray something is done sooner than later. May God help us all. Documents from the HSDL collection cannot automatically be added to citation managers (e.g. Refworks, Endnotes, etc).
This HSDL abstract page contains some of the pieces you may need when citing a resource, such as the author, Publisher and date information. We highly recommend you always refer to the resource itself as the most accurate source of information when citing.
Here are some sources that can help with formatting citations (particularly for government documents). Nick Turse has a Revealing new piece at on the rise of Special Forces and SOCOM (Special Ops Command) within the U.S.
military. (For a telling critique of America's excess of enthusiasm for Special Forces, see last year's article here by Dan White for The Contrary Perspective.) Naval Postgraduate School: Dudley Knox Library. Citing Styles: examples for citing government publications according to APA and Chicago style guides.
Click on the link for your preferred style then navigate to the specific type of government publication. It's time for those who have sworn to protect our Constitution to take action The military / Trump + need to take action before we are all forced to succumb to the deep state.
Take action to Save us and we'll be right there to support it! MAGA One historical analogy that occurs to me (which I've used before) is the rise of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, within an embattled Catholic Church during the Reformation.
A besieged Church needed true Believers to take the fight to heretical Protestants who were Bent on the Church's destruction. So along came Ignatius Loyola and his church militant of Jesuit priests, Sworn to believe that black was white if the Holy Church deemed it so.
Considered an elite within the Church, the Jesuits took the fight to the Protestants during the Catholic Counter Reformation in Europe and across the world. Jesuits were everywhere, from China in the Old World to nearly everywhere in the New World, crusading for the Church and against the incursions of Protestantism and its various sects.